Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Video Game Content Appropriate For The Everyday Teenager
The task of learning to be properly gendered members of society only begins with the establishment of gender identity (Aaron Devor). The uniqueness of an individual will help an individual stand out more in society. Do you play video games? Is the video game content appropriate for the everyday teenager? According to PewResearch Internet Project, The gaming life is 97% of American youth, 12-17 years of age. Nearly every teenager plays on a computer, console, portable or cell phone game, and half of teens play on any given day, usually for about an hour or more. Three girls mentioned that gaming is not just the domain for boys. 94% of teen girls play games, as do 99% of boys (Amanda Lenhart, Joseph Kahne, Ellen Middaugh, Alexandra Macgill, Chris Evans and Jessica Vitak). Having read this, I completely agree. I have a sixteen year old brother who plays video games for three to four hours a day. As soon as he gets home from school, he goes straight to playing his video games. Designing a video game takes lots of patience and time. The first step of designing a game is designing the content and rules. After this is completed, the game then goes to the pre-production step. The design of a video game needs imaginative and mechanical ability and good writing abilities. Designers, just like the director of a movie, will experiment with different genres. The game designer will produce the first game proposal, which contains gameplay, setting and story, budget estimates, etc.Show MoreRelatedEffect of Video Game Violence on Children and Teens Essay1685 Words  | 7 PagesViolent video games can lead to aggressive and violent behavior in children and adolescents. â€Å"Violent media increase aggression by teaching observers how to aggress, by priming aggressive cognition (including previously learned aggressive scripts and aggressive perceptual schemata), by increasing arousal, or by creating an aggressive state†(Anderson and Bushman 355). 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