Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Framework Popper Is An Intellectual Framework
The framework Popper is talking about is an intellectual framework. A neutral question is without bias, informative leading, and isn’t influenced by outside sources to receive the truest and most neutral response; however, I define a neutral question as to be neutral in order to truth without a hidden meaning within its structure, the opposite would be a leading question that encourages a desired answer. So, there is no such thing as a neutral observation or perceiving something as neutral. The statement suggests that areas of knowing lead us in a certain direction. By asking a question, one seeks knowledge beyond a neutral way. What is the effect of bias on asking questions? Is prior knowledge of something necessary before asking a question? Can we ask a question without context? How do areas of knowing affect the neutrality of a question? The areas of knowing that will be looked at will be natural science and history as scientists and historians find answers by beginning wit h questions and observations. Several assumptions can be made such as if neutral questions are impossible then everything carries bias. In order to ask a question and answer it, there can be no neutrality. All questions are leading questions. It is impossible and possible to have a neutral question; this essay will discuss the extent to which the statement is valid in natural science and history. There is no such thing as a neutral question. Everything in science has a goal or ending that is trying toShow MoreRelated A Plea for a Peircean Turn in Analytic Philosophy Essay3219 Words  | 13 Pagesdenouncing specifically its closing in on itself, resulting in barrenness and ignorance of real human problems. 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