Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Framework Popper Is An Intellectual Framework
The framework Popper is talking about is an intellectual framework. A neutral question is without bias, informative leading, and isn’t influenced by outside sources to receive the truest and most neutral response; however, I define a neutral question as to be neutral in order to truth without a hidden meaning within its structure, the opposite would be a leading question that encourages a desired answer. So, there is no such thing as a neutral observation or perceiving something as neutral. The statement suggests that areas of knowing lead us in a certain direction. By asking a question, one seeks knowledge beyond a neutral way. What is the effect of bias on asking questions? Is prior knowledge of something necessary before asking a question? Can we ask a question without context? How do areas of knowing affect the neutrality of a question? The areas of knowing that will be looked at will be natural science and history as scientists and historians find answers by beginning wit h questions and observations. Several assumptions can be made such as if neutral questions are impossible then everything carries bias. In order to ask a question and answer it, there can be no neutrality. All questions are leading questions. It is impossible and possible to have a neutral question; this essay will discuss the extent to which the statement is valid in natural science and history. There is no such thing as a neutral question. Everything in science has a goal or ending that is trying toShow MoreRelated A Plea for a Peircean Turn in Analytic Philosophy Essay3219 Words  | 13 Pagesdenouncing specifically its closing in on itself, resulting in barrenness and ignorance of real human problems. It is not only the genius loci, nor the echoes of his Sesquicentennial Congress held here in Boston in September, 1989, but within the solemn framework of a World Congress of Philosophy on the threshold of a new century, I wish to propose the study of Charles Sanders Peirces tho ught as a fruitful way â€â€there may be others of renewing the analytic tradition and obviating those criticisms. On theRead MoreAdvancements Of The Field Of Science And Technology1557 Words  | 7 Pagesimagined, any occurrences of failures can prove to be catastrophic, as was evidenced earlier this year. On the 8th of July, the servers at the New York Stock Exchange went down for over four hours, thus sending thousands of investors into a tizzy (Popper, 2015). Around the same time, United Airlines suffered a network issue that directly resulted in the cancellation of 61 flights and the delay of over 1,100 flights (Drew, 2015). 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The managers are required to undertakeRead More Global Problems Essay3935 Words  | 16 Pageswe have before the threat of extinction becomes irreversible. The survival of humanity should be on top of every political agenda, global, international, national and party-political. Clearly, it is not. Some brave, concerned and dedicated intellectuals, such as the philosopher Arne Naess, have relinquished their ordinary interests and activities, in order to devote the little they can do to face the central problems of human survival. They have my profound admiration, but not my consent: thereRead MoreAn Overview of Modern Philosophies of Education3464 Words  | 14 Pagesstrategies, theories, or philosophies, this is less problematic. For example, you may determine that you have to vary your approach depending on the particular learning needs and styles of a given student. At various time periods, one philosophical framework may become favored over another. For example, the Progressive movement led to quite different approaches in education in the 1930s. But there is always danger in one best or only philosophy. In a pluralistic society, a variety of views are neededRead MoreFinancial and Banking Institutions6081 Words  | 24 Pagesshareholders. On the same note, core values are often summarized in the mission statement or in the companys statement of core values. In line with this, banks are required to have an ethical base and business decisions should not take place within the framework of anything goes. As a general principle, customers and investors will invest their money after ascertaining ethical products and services from ethical companies. As banks operate in a broad environment in which they have to respond selectivelyRead MoreThe Demand for and Supply of Accounting Theories5427 Words  | 22 Pageswide-open space as the venue. Focus and perspective of the genre: The main focus of the genre-festival is to celebrate the wealth, beauty and the uniqueness of Malaysian cultural art with focus on many side attractions such as performing arts, intellectual dialogues, competitions, exhibition and crafts. All these events involve interpersonal language. The purpose(s) of the genre: This should be in line with the purpose in which language is used, interpersonal purpose which has to deal with the
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Video Game Content Appropriate For The Everyday Teenager
The task of learning to be properly gendered members of society only begins with the establishment of gender identity (Aaron Devor). The uniqueness of an individual will help an individual stand out more in society. Do you play video games? Is the video game content appropriate for the everyday teenager? According to PewResearch Internet Project, The gaming life is 97% of American youth, 12-17 years of age. Nearly every teenager plays on a computer, console, portable or cell phone game, and half of teens play on any given day, usually for about an hour or more. Three girls mentioned that gaming is not just the domain for boys. 94% of teen girls play games, as do 99% of boys (Amanda Lenhart, Joseph Kahne, Ellen Middaugh, Alexandra Macgill, Chris Evans and Jessica Vitak). Having read this, I completely agree. I have a sixteen year old brother who plays video games for three to four hours a day. As soon as he gets home from school, he goes straight to playing his video games. Designing a video game takes lots of patience and time. The first step of designing a game is designing the content and rules. After this is completed, the game then goes to the pre-production step. The design of a video game needs imaginative and mechanical ability and good writing abilities. Designers, just like the director of a movie, will experiment with different genres. The game designer will produce the first game proposal, which contains gameplay, setting and story, budget estimates, etc.Show MoreRelatedEffect of Video Game Violence on Children and Teens Essay1685 Words  | 7 PagesViolent video games can lead to aggressive and violent behavior in children and adolescents. â€Å"Violent media increase aggression by teaching observers how to aggress, by priming aggressive cognition (including previously learned aggressive scripts and aggressive perceptual schemata), by increasing arousal, or by creating an aggressive state†(Anderson and Bushman 355). As more children are becoming exposed violence in video games in the recent years, violence in schools and other locations where childrenRead MoreThe Effects Of Television And Video Game Violence On Children899 Words  | 4 Pageseffects of television and video game violence on children who watch and play these games. Speculation as to the causes of the recent mass shootings in American schools and other public places motivated me to pay more attention to violence on television and in video games and write this paper. Most of these horrible attacks on innocent people occurred by a teenager or young adult. Flipping through television channels, I started paying attention to what type of media content is available for school-ageRead MoreViolence And Sex On Television898 Words  | 4 Pagesadvances as well as by the type of content that is put out on the internet, radio, and especially on television. In particular, violence and sex are two of the most controversial content types that have been re cently used loosely in the present as compared to the past years. It has become sort of a norm in our society and in popular culture. It is very debatable topic because of arguments of how it can take a toll or influence on behavior. Not only has this content been used more frequently, it hasRead MoreThe Media and Its Influence on Culture Today1007 Words  | 5 PagesViolence is an extremely controversial topic that reoccurs in the everyday life of the modern human. In our modern world, everyone is affected by media violence. The media has the ability to change your opinion on something by its persuasive and corrupted ways to present information. People of all ages can be affected in this due to the many ways to receive modern day media. We can see it in major news programs, TV shows, movies, video games, and music. The media is something that cant be taken forRead MoreIndividuals On Games Empowering Violent Behaviors1327 Words  | 6 PagesThis paper is going to show individuals on games empowering violent behaviors. Each time playing is happening your mind begins building up a considerable measure all the more in an unexpected way. Playing these games make individuals more aggressive. Regardless of a child s belief that these games are nothing they truly do lead to a change in a persons mind. Individuals additionally may get addicted on the gaming which leads to a man trying to be aggressive more frequently. A clear understandingRead MoreRap Music And Its Impact On Society884 Words  | 4 Pagesinfluences and encourages degrading women, violence, and is filled with sexual content. Rap music is filled with imagery that degrades women. Women are continually referred to inappropriately in many songs, while men refer to themselves and other as pimps or players. Women are not only referred to by derogatory names, they are frequently lowered to sex objects for entertainment. The common idea of a woman in a rap video is one who is half naked while dancing flirtatiously and seductively behind,Read MorePlaystation Marketing Mix Environment Target707 Words  | 3 PagesSONY PlayStation The PlayStation brand is a series of video game consoles created and developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. PlayStation was the idea of Ken Kutaragi, who known as â€Å"The father of the PlayStation, a Sony executive who had just come out of his hardware engineering division at that time. The consoles origins date back to 1986 where it was originally a joint project between Nintendo and Sony to create a CD-ROM for the Super Nintendo. The PlayStation made its debut at the ConsumerRead MoreEssay on How Technology has Impacted Parenting1556 Words  | 7 Pagestrying to keep up, and staying ahead of what their children are doing. Between devices like cell phones, iPods, and other music players that have access to the Internet, game systems as great as yesterdays computers, and with all of this exposure to mass media, how can you be sure your child is being exposed to suitable content? As kids get older, too much screen time can intervene with activities such as being physically active, reading, doing homework, playing with others, and being with familyRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On Young Children And Teens1751 Words  | 8 Pagessociety tend to overdose on the television, music, and video games. The media’s presence in children’s lives is very perv asive. Television, which once controlled children’s media utilization habits, is now merged with video games, cell phones, computers, and other connected devices. As a result, children are fully submerged in the media at a young age. This is making it hard for parents and law enforcers to regulate the impact these shows, games, songs, etc. has already placed upon the children inRead MoreVideo Games Violent Effect on Youth1186 Words  | 5 Pagesafter losing a games in call of duty, and you are wondering why he is acting like this. What you might not realize is that it could be the violent video game affecting his behavior. The effects of violent video games in youth have devastating effects on them. These effects can range from violent behavior to acting out in school, and even possibly maybe even crime. The games you kids play could be more violent then you even know. Call of Duty, one of the leading first person shooter games, is all about
Monday, December 9, 2019
Business Information Management for Starting Career
Question: Discuss about the Business Information Management for Starting Career. Answer: Introduction Business programs are helpful concept for starting one significant and effective career with respect to competitive marketing trends (Bocken et al. 2014). In contrast with these facts, this report is elaborating about the benefits of Bakery business process. Trading Name of Manufacturing Business Dream Cookies is the proposed name for the concerned Bakery Business process. This name itself is suggesting the delicious taste and quality of its products (Demir 2014). Therefore, in accordance with the significance of the business process, this name is perfect with the concept behind the business. Organizational Structure of the Business The considered organizational structure for Dream Cookies will be sole trader organizational structure (Rehman 2013). This structure will provide inexpensive and completely controlled organizational structure to be operated. Therefore, the organizational structure will be beneficial for Dream Cookies as it is one start up organization. Products and Business Operations of Business In contrast with discussions about the business process selected in this report it is clear that the business of making cookies and snacks are chosen and Dream Cookies will sell the good quality cookies within their target market and to their valuable clients. Reason behind starting Dream Cookies: The main reason behind this business process is that cookies are one of the favorite snacks for every age group, therefore from the point of view of profit and gain this business process will be providing good amount of benefits to the owner (Rehman 2013). The owners have chosen this business for making good profit with this start up. Target Market of Business Target market for this selected as the Australian marketplace. In contrast with these facts, the business has selected the global market for making their products popular as well as their demographically this business process has chosen the market segment with three age groups (Scholtz 2015). These age groups are adult, children and aged people. In contrast with these facts, Dream Cookies are targeting these segments of market for making their products famous as cookies are always favorite of everyone and therefore, for making products popular the owner does not have take more stress. First Step for Setting up the Business There are various methods of starting one business process. Among all of these steps, some simple steps can be followed for starting one business (Rehman 2013). These are given as follows: making of business plans, collection of knowledge for making the business successful, and collection of financial support for business and understanding of legal steps for making the business successful. Reason for Starting this Business There are mainly two reasons for starting this business. These are given as follows: Set up a good career as entrepreneur: The owners aim was to be a good entrepreneur and this idea can bring that to him (Bocken et al. 2014). Good start up: This business idea is good for a small scale business process. Conclusion This can be concluded that the concept of Bakery business process is profitable with respect to various marketing trends and technologies. This report is elaborating about the detailed description about this business process and its details and benefits are also given in this report. References Bocken, N.M.P., Short, S.W., Rana, P. and Evans, S., 2014. A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes.Journal of cleaner production,65, pp.42-56. Demir, A., 2014. The method of selection of parameters values in the problem of determining the quality level in manufacturing, business and education.International Journal of Social Sciences and Educational Studies,1(2). Rehman, S.M., 2013.An Evaluation of Management Styles and their Impact on Employee Motivation at a Manufacturing Business in Kwa-Zulu Natal(Doctoral dissertation, Masters Dissertation: Regent Business School, Durban). Scholtz, J.H., 2015. Impact of ownership structure along the value chain in the manufacturing business.AIChE Journal.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Three Day Road free essay sample
The first theme I noticed in the second half of the novel was being powerless. Xavier is ultimately powerless in the sense that he cannot stop Elijah from heading down his path of self-destruction. No matter what he does Elijah will continue to evolve as the monster he has become. Xavier finally has to kill Elijah because he knows that that is the only way to stop him. Niska is also powerless because on their three day journey home there is nothing she can do to cure Xavier of his addiction. As hard as she tries to heal Xavier with her story telling, the morphine will eventually take his life. There is also a point in the novel where Niska believes she has lost her power of having visions after the Frenchmen takes advantage of her in the church. Another theme that is more prominent in the second half of the novel is competition. We will write a custom essay sample on Three Day Road or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Elijah has a goal to be a better sniper than Peggy and to prove to everyone else that he is by keeping track and advertising the number of kills he has. Xavier is also trying to compete with Elijah because Xavier knows that he is the better sniper. Xavier becomes increasingly frustrated because other soldiers continue to praise Elijah, to the point where he even gets a medal for his efforts during a battle, but everyone seems to be ignoring Xavier’s success. Characters being kept in the dark is another major theme of Three Day Road. Throughout the entire war Xavier and Elijah are kept in the dark about what is going to happen next. Firstly they are told the war will only last a few months, then they are there for approximately three years. The Sargent’s also like to keep Xavier and Elijah in the dark by sending them out on missions that they have no idea just how they will turn out. Niska is also kept in the dark as far as knowing what exactly goes on during the war that damages her Nephew so badly and what happens to Elijah. 5. Writing Style The first person perspective from both Niska and Xavier goes hand in hand with the theme of being kept in the dark. The stories being told in first person keep the reader not knowing what is going to happen which creates suspense in the novel and makes the reader want to continue reading. I think the stories being told from Xavier perspective create a bias towards Xavier and against Elijah that causes the reader to be sympathetic for Xavier even when he does something so awful as killing his best friend (even though Elijah tries to kill him first, I think Xavier could have tried to talk Elijah down and convince him there was no need for either of them to die). As a reader you find yourself saying â€Å"It is what had to be done†or â€Å"I feel sorry for Xavier having to kill Elijah†. In reality all Elijah is doing wrong is scalping people he has already killed but Xavier kills his best friend. Yes, scalping someone is disgusting but on a moral level which act is â€Å"more wrong†? I think the stories being told from Xavier’s perspective force the reader to automatically assume Elijah is in the wrong, but there are always two sides to a story and Elijah’s is never told. 6. Quotations â€Å"‘I think I got him! ’ I say to Elijah, excited. ‘Impossible to say,’ he answers†(Boyden 198). This is said during a conversation between Xavier and Elijah after Xavier and Elijah both attempt to kill someone in a machine gun nest. This quotation is important because it is the first time Xavier shows excitement over killing someone. As soon as I read this my first thought was that Xavier was going to realize why Elijah enjoys killing and possibly become the monster Elijah has. This also demonstrates the competition between Xavier and Elijah. Since they were both shooting at the same time and Xavier gets the kill first Elijah brushes it off as no big deal and that Xavier may not have even killed him because he doesn’t want to admit that he is the better shot. This incident also builds up Xavier’s hatred towards Elijah. â€Å"I want to bead Elijah with my fists until he is bloody†(Boyden 214) Xavier narrates this after Elijah confesses that Lisette was w whore that he had hired to sleep with Xavier. I think this is important because it is the first time Xavier expresses his hatred and desire to be violent towards Elijah, to the reader. To me, it becomes evident that Xavier number one priority is no longer to try and protect Elijah. This is another incident that builds up Xavier’s hatred towards Elijah. â€Å"No, it clearly says you are the last of your family†(Boyden 267). This is said by Fat while he is reading the letter that Niska had written to Xavier. This is important because it explains why Xavier said that he thought Niska was dead in the beginning of the novel. It also explains why Xavier said that the letter had damaged him. I think believing that Niska is dead takes away Xavier’s reason to live making Xavier no longer care what happens to him. â€Å"’You have read moose bones in the past. I have watched you. And often it has worked. You have lead us straight to them before’†(Boyden 268). This is said by Elijah when he brings Xavier the shoulder blade of a German soldier and asks him to read it like Niska and her Father have read the moose and bear bones earlier on in the novel. I think this quotation is important because this is when it finally clicked for me that Xavier was a windigo killer. After making this connection I predicted that Elijah was going to eventually resort to cannibalism because of his madness and Xavier would have to kill him. I also wondered if perhaps Elijah had really been eating human meat instead of horse meat earlier on and Xavier believed that it was horse meat because he was in denial of what Elijah had become and knew that he would have to take action if Elijah had been eating human meat. Although Elijah never does become a cannibal, this prediction was partially right because I think he becomes a windigo by enjoying killing people and Xavier does end up killing him.
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