Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Plagiarism Issues Essays
Plagiarism Issues Essays Plagiarism Issues Essay Plagiarism Issues Essay Knowing that someone committed plagiarism for the first time or for a several times already is a bit hard because one gets between doing the right thing and keeping it a secret. However, despite this difficulty, one should be motivated enough to stick to what is right. If I were Ariana, I would consider my options. I can pretend to ignore what Kunta did but then I have to live with my conscience for overlooking that mistake. If I pretend to ignore it, my grades in school will also be jeopardized, or worse, I might be expelled. Though it is hard, it is just right that I report to my instructor what Kunta did. I am sure he knew that plagiarism is unethical and illegal, and he knew the consequences of committing it. The possibility that anyone can notice his act of plagiarism is at hand. Thus, he should expect that anytime soon he will be reprimanded for it. It is also difficult that the other members in the team tolerated Kunta’s actions. What is worse is that they knew this was going on for sometime, yet they did not do something just because they were good friends with Kunta. They deliberately committed willful ignorance and consent. With no one to support me, I am faced with the sole responsibility of reporting the case to my instructor. As my grades and my status in the university are at stake, I would not want to work with Kunta, especially if he resisted being reprimanded. Persons who do things that are unethical and/or illegal may harm others. Kunta is not a good model as a student, and this can taint his other group mates as well. Whether someone gets caught of committing plagiarism is one of the issues that do not seem to be settled. There were questions that do not have easy answers, such as whether if unintentional copying of someone’s work without proper acknowledgment still plagiarism (Green). On this case, I think the answer is yes, even for the case of Kunta. As defined, plagiarism is copying someone’s works or ideas without properly attributing those ideas to the original author (Tutorial†Plagiarism: What it is and How to Recognize and Avoid it†). Kunta did commit plagiarism, regardless if he was never caught before. With these views in mind, I adhere to the belief that honesty is the best policy. Plagiarism is unethical and illegal, and it robs the author of the benefits entitled to him. I always avoid committing plagiarism. Subjecting myself to such unethical acts is an utter conflict with my beliefs.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Biography of Curtis LeMay, U.S. Air Force General
Biography of Curtis LeMay, U.S. Air Force General Curtis LeMay (November 15, 1906NOctober 1, 1990) was a U.S. Air Force general who became famous for leading a bombing campaign in the Pacific during World War II. After the war, he served as the leader of the Strategic Air Command, the U.S. military division responsible for most of the countrys nuclear weapons. LeMay later ran as George Wallaces running mate in the 1968 presidential election. Fast Facts: Curtis LeMay Known For: LeMay was an important U.S. Army Air Corps leader during World War II and led the Strategic Air Command during the early years of the Cold War.Born: November 15, 1906 in Columbus, OhioParents: Erving and Arizona LeMayDied: October 1, 1990 at March Air Force Base, CaliforniaEducation: Ohio State University (B.S. in Civil Engineering)Awards and Honors: U.S. Distinguished Service Cross, French Legion of Honour, British Distinguished Flying CrossSpouse: Helen Estelle Maitland (m. 1934–1992)Children: Patricia Jane LeMay Lodge Early Life Curtis Emerson LeMay was born on November 15, 1906, in Colombus, Ohio, to Erving and Arizona LeMay. Raised in his hometown, LeMay later attended Ohio State University, where he studied civil engineering and was a member of the National Society of Pershing Rifles. In 1928, after graduating, he joined the U.S. Army Air Corps as a flying cadet and was sent to Kelly Field, Texas, for flight training. The following year, LeMay received his commission as a second lieutenant in the Army Reserve. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the regular army in 1930. Military Career First assigned to the 27th Pursuit Squadron at Selfridge Field, Michigan, LeMay spent the next seven years in fighter assignments until he was transferred to bombers in 1937. While serving with the 2nd Bomb Group, LeMay participated in the first mass flight of B-17s to South America, which won the group the Mackay Trophy for outstanding aerial achievement. He also worked to pioneer air routes to Africa and Europe. A relentless trainer, LeMay subjected his aircrews to constant drills, believing this was the best way to save lives in the air. His approach earned him the nickname Iron Ass. World War II Following the outbreak of World War II, LeMay, then a lieutenant colonel, set about training the 305th Bombardment Group and led them as they deployed to England in October 1942 as part of the Eighth Air Force. While leading the 305th in battle, LeMay helped develop key defensive formations such as the combat box, which was used by B-17s during missions over occupied Europe. Given command of the 4th Bombardment Wing, he was promoted to brigadier general in September 1943 and oversaw the units transformation into the 3rd Bomb Division. Known for his bravery in combat, LeMay personally led several missions including the Regensburg section of the August 17, 1943 Schweinfurt-Regensburg raid. LeMay led 146 B-17s from England to their target in Germany and then onto bases in Africa. As the bombers were operating beyond the range of escorts, the formation suffered heavy casualties, with 24 aircraft lost. Due to his success in Europe, LeMay was transferred to the China-Burma-India theater in August 1944 to command the new XX Bomber Command. Based in China, the XX Bomber Command oversaw B-29 raids on Japan. After the capture of the Marianas Islands, LeMay was transferred to the XXI Bomber Command in January 1945. Operating from bases on Guam, Tinian, and Saipan, LeMays B-29s routinely struck targets in Japanese cities. After assessing the results of his early raids from China and the Marianas, LeMay found that high-altitude bombing was proving ineffective over Japan, largely due to poor weather. As Japanese air defenses precluded low- and medium-altitude daylight bombing, LeMay ordered his bombers to strike at night using incendiary bombs. Following tactics pioneered by the British over Germany, LeMays bombers began firebombing Japanese cities. As the predominant building material in Japan was wood, the incendiary weapons proved very effective, frequently creating firestorms that reduced entire neighborhoods. The raids struck 64 cities between March and August 1945 and killed around 330,000 people. Although they were brutal, LeMays tactics were endorsed by Presidents Roosevelt and Truman as a method for destroying the war industry and preventing the need to invade Japan. Berlin Airlift After the war, LeMay served in administrative positions before being assigned to command U.S. Air Forces in Europe in October 1947. The following June, LeMay organized air operations for the Berlin Airlift after the Soviets blocked all ground access to the city. With the airlift up and running, LeMay was brought back to the U.S. to head up the Strategic Air Command (SAC). Upon taking command, LeMay found SAC in poor condition and consisting of only a few undermanned B-29 groups. LeMay set about transforming SAC into the USAFs premier offensive weapon. Strategic Air Command Over the next nine years, LeMay oversaw the acquisition of a fleet of all-jet bombers and the creation of a new command and control system that allowed for an unprecedented level of readiness. When he was promoted to full general in 1951, LeMay became the youngest to attain the rank since Ulysses S. Grant. As the United States principal means of delivering nuclear weapons, SAC built numerous new airfields and developed an elaborate system of midair refueling to enable their aircraft to strike at the Soviet Union. While leading SAC, LeMay began the process of adding intercontinental ballistic missiles to SACs inventory and incorporating them as a vital element of the nations nuclear arsenal. Chief of Staff for the US Air Force After leaving SAC in 1957, LeMay was appointed Vice Chief of Staff for the U.S. Air Force. Four years later, he was promoted to chief of staff. In this role, LeMay made policy his belief that strategic air campaigns should take precedence over tactical strikes and ground support. As a result, the Air Force began procuring aircraft suited for this type of approach. During his tenure, LeMay repeatedly clashed with his superiors, including Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, Secretary of the Air Force Eugene Zuckert, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Maxwell Taylor. In the early 1960s, LeMay successfully defended the Air Forces budgets and began to utilize satellite technology. Sometimes a controversial figure, LeMay was seen as a warmonger during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis when he loudly argued with President John F. Kennedy and Secretary McNamara regarding air strikes against Soviet positions on the island. LeMay opposed Kennedys naval blockade and favored invading Cuba even after the Soviets withdrew. In the years after Kennedys death, LeMay began to voice his displeasure with President Lyndon Johnsons policies in Vietnam. In the early days of the Vietnam War, LeMay had called for a widespread strategic bombing campaign directed against North Vietnams industrial plants and infrastructure. Unwilling to expand the conflict, Johnson limited American air strikes to interdictive and tactical missions, for which U.S. aircraft were poorly suited. In February 1965, after dealing with intense criticism, Johnson and McNamara forced LeMay into retirement. Later Life After moving to California, LeMay was approached to challenge incumbent Senator Thomas Kuchel in the 1968 Republican primary. He declined and elected instead to run for the vice presidency under George Wallace on the American Independent Party ticket. Though he had originally supported Richard Nixon, LeMay had become concerned that Nixon would accept nuclear parity with the Soviets and would take a conciliatory approach to Vietnam. LeMays association with Wallace was controversial, as the latter was known for his strong support of segregation. After the two were defeated at the polls, LeMay retired from public life and declined further calls to run for office. Death LeMay died on October 1, 1990, after a long retirement. He was buried at the U.S. Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, Colorado. Legacy LeMay is best remembered as a military hero who played a major role in the modernization of the U.S. Air Force. For his service and achievements he was awarded numerous medals by the U.S. and other governments, including those of Britain, France, Belgium, and Sweden. LeMay was also inducted into the International Air Space Hall of Fame.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Starbucks Financial and Business Analysis- MBA Essay - 1
Starbucks Financial and Business Analysis- MBA - Essay Example With peculiar recognition and deliverance, the corporation is settled with 19000 coffee stores all over the world (Bussing-Burks, 2009). The chain of Starbucks is widespread and it is located in almost 60 countries in the world. With such powerful recognition, Starbucks is compelling with its globalized customer chain order, which makes it a unique coffeehouse chain present in the global market (Bussing-Burks, 2009). There is a big range of items and products which Starbucks offer. The company offers three different categories of products which are coffee goods, handmade beverages and consumer goods. The items which are included in the three respective categories are espresso-hot coffee, cold drinks, snacks, sandwiches, or hot filtered coffee. The company holds an effective supply chain network which is to engage with its worldwide customers’ follow ship. The corporation also holds a place in retailer service, which is centrally operating in Seattle respectively (Bussing-Burks, 2009). With an intensified one liner â€Å"one person, one cup and one neighborhood†, Starbuck’s mission is to drive human spirit in the most aspiring means, and that is by joining work and innovation at one time of service. The company strongly believes in providing quality and is passionate of outsourcing finest coffee beans and is tended with great care (Starbucks, 2012). The company had numerous issues on hands that disrupted its sales and had a negative impact on growth of the company. In 2008, the aim of the company had solely remained to increase rapid growth of the company and its expansion instead of putting more efforts on improving customer services. The increase in intense competition is also the factor that is resulting in shutting down of operations of Starbucks in U.S. New Competitors have risen to offer low priced coffee cheaper than Starbucks itself. The competitors have taken account of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Managing Health, Safety and Risk in Organizations Essay
Managing Health, Safety and Risk in Organizations - Essay Example The safety case must give full details of the arrangements for managing health and safety and show that the company has safety management systems in place, has identified risks and reduced them to as low as reasonably practicable, has introduced management controls, provided a temporary safe refuge on the installation and has made provisions for safe evacuation and rescue. The Offshore Installation and Pipeline Works (Management and Administration) Regulations 1995 - these set out requirements for the safe management of offshore installations such as the appointment of offshore installation managers (OIMs) and the use of permit-to-work systems The Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response) Regulations 1995 (PFEER) - these provide for the protection of offshore workers from fire and explosion, and for securing effective emergency response The Offshore Installations and Wells (Design and Construction, etc) Regulations 1996 - these are aimed at ensuring the integrity of installations, the safety of offshore and onshore wells, and the safety of the workplace environment offshore. 3. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations updated in1999 The Noise at Work Regulations 1989 The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations (DSEAR) First-aid, safety representatives and safety committees, personal protective equipment (PPE), display screen equipment, manual handling and safety zones. 3. In the UK, the legislation sets out the objectives that must be achieved, but allows flexibility in the choice of methods or equipment that may be used by companies to meet their statutory obligations. Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) Offshore Safety Division employs a team of inspectors who are responsible for enforcing both the offshore specific regulations and the general safety legislation common to all industries. One of examples of hazards in oil industry are gases and easily vaporizable liquids which require utmost care and precautions (P. Waterhouse and revised by Ray Chalklen). All the time that these are contained within the equipment that is designed to hold them, whether it be pipeline, storage tank, reaction vessel, portable container, cylinder, etc., they do not present a fire risk. It is only when they are released to atmosphere
Sunday, November 17, 2019
How My Values Relate to Who I Am Essay Example for Free
How My Values Relate to Who I Am Essay Throughout history, there have always been a set of laws governing how society should act. When I began to think about it, society’s rules seemed to stem from a basic set of values that every person should aspire to have. In most cultures, the value system is based on religion; even the countries which are not under religious law. So, what are my values, how do they give me meaning, how do they factor into who I am, and how to they factor into American society? What gives me meaning is living by my own rules within reasonable terms. I do not want to hurt anyone, but life is too short to have someone else decide my fate. I am happy living for myself and simultaneously putting down stepping stones to accomplish my goals in life. I learned that once I made decisions in regards to what I wanted to do, it made me a much happier person. Also, when I am surrounded by great people who love me in spite of if I become a Nobel Prize winner or a great failure that gives me great confidence. Those tenets give my life meaning because I do not want to look back and regret that I did not take a different path than the one I chose. When I follow me, I focus on reaching my goals and that drive coupled with unwavering support from friends and family, makes me happy. I mean a genuine happy, not an artificial happy that may be garnered by purchasing material items. The values that I retain include never allowing me to mentally stagnate, high morals, and being able to look at myself in the mirror at the end of the day. I believe that when a person allows himself or herself to mentally stagnate, he or she is happy with being uninformed in the world. Look at Stephen Hawking, he has every reason to allow himself to fade away, but even though he cannot speak anymore, he has virtually changed the way people in his field of physics think about the universe. I believe in high morals because there are too many people running around jumping in and out of bed, yet never making a connection with another person. That way of living is not for me. Love and true feelings take a long time to develop, not a night, a week, or a month. I have to be able to look at myself in the mirror at the end of the day. That keeps me in order. Refusing mental stagnation is just a supplement to my foundation values. My foundation values are definitely my morals. The core system of my morals are, living a just and fair life, treating others well. All other values are just supporting cast members in my life. I believe that if I stay on the moral path, the goals I have in life will be accomplished without putting more energy than necessary into it. I use my values frequently because they are represented everyday. I am the embodiment of my values. I am far from perfection, but I believe that being an adult is less about doing what I want to, but doing what is right in spite of my own wants. I have taken paths where I could choose between a job with more pay and a job with next to nothing pay. I chose the â€Å"indentured servant†job because it made me happier in ways that no one but I could understand. My values influence me because they enable me to transcend normal material values. When I see an expensive car, I do not automatically think that person has an amazing life and is problem free. Since I have an aversion to mental stagnation, I am always reading something. If I have to go to the doctor’s office and the only reading material in the reception is a coin collecting magazine from 1977, I will read it. It seems with all of my values, I should feel conflicted, but I do not because my values do not compete with one another. The problems I have encountered are when my values compete with the real world. Sometimes in American culture, people do not understand morals because there is a lack of them on display. I try to maintain my composure and always do what is right no matter what, that is what keeps me on track, well, at least most of the time. The best way to resolve any conflict between my values and the outside world is to change what is on television. I think many people have problems with a person with values because in the mainstream media, lack of values is marketed as fun and a person with morals is portrayed as â€Å"square†. I have thought many times that I could be a bit outdated; maybe I should lighten up on my dating requirements or take a job because my family wanted me to take it, but that is not the answer. If I reverted to change my value system because of societal pressures, then I am not living for me. I need all of my values; they work as an interconnecting team which support me even when I may have no support or understanding. Just like laws that were written into society and suddenly eradicated, (causing the cultures to delve into anarchy), so would I if I were to do the same with my values. I neglected to mention God as an integral part of my value system because I believe if I follow my own laws, I will live a life that will follow God’s rules anyway. My values are who I am and I would just be a shell without them.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Time Travel Paradoxes in A Connecticut Yankee... :: essays research papers fc
Time Travel Paradoxes in Conneticut Yankee      Mark Twain’s Conneticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court is a book about time travel. It was written 1989 which was before science as we now know it, which tells us that time travel is not possible because of paradoxes. This is still a good book that has many good things to say about America versus England, proving that the American way is superior.      America in the day, had just won it’s independence and was trying to establish it’s own identity from England. Mark Twain, whose real name was Samuel Clemens, created the first science fiction novel with Mark Twain’s Conneticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court. In the story a man from the present goes back in time after being hit on the head by a crow bar. He wakes up and is captured by Sir Kay, the Seneschal (Negri, 11). After an eclipse, the man becomes the court’s great magician and blows up Merlin’s castle. He uses modern inventions like the telephone and telegraph and teaches people to read the newspaper he puts out. When a lady comes to the court to get help against the ogres who had captured her and her sister’s, the Boss as the man is now called rides off with her to Britain save them all. After going to Morgan le Fay’s castle and rescuing her prisoners, they find the ogres were swineherds and the princesses wer e really pigs after all. Which is symbolic of the illusion that is society (Negri, 104-105).      One of the problems with the book is that Mark Twain uses modern-day technology in King Arthur’s time. If this was the case that technology would be around more today. At the end of the book the only evidence of that technology was a bullet hole in a suit of armor that the Boss put in him self (Negri, 268).      Even though over a thousand years had past, you would think some of the machines and forges the Boss left behind would still be there and found by scientists. The Boss creates bullets and guns and those would win battles against the swords and spears of the knights of the time. I know I would rather have a gun then a sword and think the knights would also want guns. With this kind of weapons, the English Knights would be invincible every time and conquer the world. Yet they didn’t keep the weapons.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Lavendery Cafe Essay
Levendary Cafe was appointed with a new CEO in January 2011. Mia Foster is a first time CEO with no international management experience, faced with a major challenge at Levendary Cafe, a $10billion US-based fast chain. However, the Levendary Cafe already established in China market while departing CEO Howard Leventhal in the position. Strategically, many of the corporate staff have become concerned that the company’s major expansion into China is moving too far from Levendary’swell defined concepts of store design and menu. Besides that, Mia Foster is also found that Chinese subsidiary submitted all management and financial reports to Denver or likely known as headquarters of Levendary Cafe in its own format. Louis Chen is the president of Levendary China. He is capable of speak Mandarin Chinese and English and had long experience as retail property developer gave him intimate familiarity with neighborhoods in Shanghai and Beijing. Chen also had a network of contacts to help speed up the process of permitting, incorporating, and staffing stores. However, in order to overcome these challenges, Mia Foster had her first video conference meeting with Louis Chen. Since, Mia Foster is not satisfied with financial report format, she urged Louis Chen to make a change. Meanwhile, financial evidence shows that Chen’s efforts have produced strong results and suggests that he knows China far better than U.S headquarters does. Mia Foster wants to protect the integrity of reporting structure. Organizationally, Foster has been frustrated by the apparent unwillingness of Louis Chen to confirm to the company’s planning and reporting processes. Therefore, Chief Franchise officer Peter was flies to China conduct a comprehensive review on the 23 Levendary Cafe in the market. Hence he submitted the detailed description on the 23 Levendary Cafes in China to Mia Foster. Based on the detailed description submitted to the CEO, She found that several Levendary’s Cafe concept of store design and menu was customized without any standardized. Thus, Mia Foster had a second video conference meeting with Louis Chen. During the meeting, Chen response angrily to Foster, he was work hard to begin from zero until 23 Levendary Cafe today and explained the necessitates of differentiation and customization in the foreign market as well. Finally, Foster is aware of the difficulties of localizing a chain restaurant concept in foreign market. As a result, Foster decided flies to China to meet with Chen personally and to make a decision that will determine the future of Levendary China. Problems When Levendary entered China, they gave Chen the full control over the operations there, although a well-developed detailed plan and a clear tactic of how to implement this plan is a must. However it is clearly this is not the case whereas everything had been handed to Chen from A to Z. The chain of Levendary Cafà © in USA are run by a strict set of rules and allowing modifications only after approval from the concept group regarding the â€Å"look and feel†of the firm. The Levendary Cafà © in China is following a business model which is completely different from that of the US operation model. Chen wanted this cafà © to adapt to the changing tastes of people from place to†¦ Observing the various critical situations mentioned above, the following are the various problems that are to be dealt. The first problem will be the differences in accounting techniques used by China and US. This is a major problem for the HQ of Levendary Cafà © because as it being a listed company it should be as transparent and uniform as possible while preparing its income statements which will be the translated into annual reports and they will be the face of the company in the public. So, translating the income reports from China into reports according to the GAAP principles used in USA is both time taking and increasing the costs. Furthermore, the outlet design standards and menu selection in China are different with US. There are non- standardized operations in China with US. The Levendary Cafà © in China is following a business model which is completely different from that of the US operation model. Chen wanted this cafà © to adapt to the changing tastes of people from place to place. Chen setting up stores according to the local needs rather than following the standardized model adapted by US outlets. He also tried to modify the â€Å"look and feel†of the cafà © according to the locality in which it is operating. For example, the branch at Shanghai’s historic Yu Garden area provided a takeaway counter with no seating and the branch at North entrance to Beijing’s Forbidden City, replaced classic wooden framed upholstered chairs with aplastic framed alternative besides no salads on its menu which salad is a must on US menu. While the branch at Shanghai, all but one sandwich item had been removed from the menu & replaced by a variety of local. Chen was modifying Levendary’s signature menu items, outlet design standards and the overall cafà © environments without consulting U.S. management. Hence, newly appointed Levendary CEO Mia Foster was faced with a number of pressing matters ranging from how to link Chen and his management team to those in corporate headquarters, to the standardization of future Levendary Cafà © locations. Decision Analysis &Solutions Concluded of the case study, Levendary Cafà © has taught the person who reads particularly business player to concern and obey headquarter, yet disremembering the subordinate within doing business. Even somehow headquarter is not the centre of the truth without doing any respectable communication with the subordinate. The Levendary Cafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s main person is Mia Foster, as a CEO and Louis Chen, an employee who runs and in charge of the Levendary business in China. By this case, Chen must be obviously maintain the communication and the concern of Levendary China situation to the Headquarter. The situation of Lavendary China must be monitored by consensus and Chinese Operation market. Mia Foster as a CEO, she might more understand the needs of Headquarter and Levendary China market. The operation of the Levendary China will follow the requirements and report by Louis Chen. Generally, the Levendary headquarter must be extra concern about the up-to-date and current issues of the subsidiary office. By the case study, the Levendary China is struggling into the market and competition, how to settle the business in China as well as trying hard to keep an eye on certain rule and regulations of headquarter, essentially those were not be working. Technically, the barrier was facing in Levendary China is about localized the market segmentation. The Levendary China must build the solid and tough team through leading by Chen. Actually, Louis Chen had brilliant idea to draw the excessive concept for Levendary China and would work out with that idea. The only things that Chen needs are reasonable endorsement from Mia Foster and headquarter.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
New England and Chesapeake Regions Essay
Although New England and the Chesapeake regions were both settle largely by people of English origin, the two regions developed differently. Certainly they eventually evolved into similar modern societies. However in their early years, they were very different. Thus, by 1700, the New England and Chesapeake regions had developed into two separate and distinct societies due to differences in social structures, political structures, and economies. The social structures of the two regions were very different, mainly in demographics and the incentives of the immigrants and religion. In the New England area, the early populations was mostly comprised of families with children and servants. This brought to the New World skilled craftsmen, farmers, and indentured servants to shape the economy. This also provided a relatively equal male to female ratio. They had longer life spans and less infant and childbirth related deaths. The incentives of the New England immigrants was to escape religious and political conflicts in England, thus shaping their religion. The religion of the of the New England settlers was very Puritan. They wanted to establish themselves as a â€Å"city on a hill†or a place of morality and social reciprocity to serve as role model for the rest of the Americas. The Puritan communities were strong and tightly knit and the Puritan marriages were stable and most lasted until death. The religion of these settlers greatly influenced their politics; their form of government was a theocracy. The Chesapeake immigrants were many teenage boys and very few women. The women who did immigrate there had great choice in husbands. They married young, widowed, and usually remarried, carrying on the plantations of their late-husbands, resulting in greater economic freedom for women Most of the male immigrants were seeking gold in the New World and prone to fights from the start. The Chesapeake was very diverse in religion. This diversity nearly required religious toleration to some extent. As a result, the community life was very unstable. The political structures of the New England colonies and the Chesapeake colonies, too, were different. In the New England colonies, the government was a Puritan theocracy. Each town had an agreed upon covenant or promise of not only moral, but social commitment. Established and enforced by their government and covenant were fair and set wages, shared property, and public schools. Each town had a annual town meeting during which the male voters would appoint men to govern for the coming year. In the Chesapeake there was at first general chaos. The councilors appointed by the English king wanted to just go back home to England. The established governments were oligarchies and aristocracies, breeding social unrest in the lower classes, as is very apparent in Bacon’s Rebellion. In the Chesapeake, there was a system of headrights or one of land grants to people who were willing to either immigrate to the colony or pay for the voyage of another. Also different were the economies of north and south. The New England economy was primarily sustained on agriculture and some fur trading. As governed by their Puritan ideals, goods and foods were traded for need, not profit. The Chesapeake colonies were mainly plantation colonies. The main crops was tobacco, but cotton, indigo and rice were also grown. The labor intensity of the crops grown in the Chesapeake, the bad soil, and unfavorable growing conditions gave rise to slavery in the south. All the crops grown were grown for profits, so there was a very competitive system of plantations. The New England and Chesapeake colonies were settle mostly by the English, but they developed differently. By 1700 the two areas had two very different had developed into two very separate and very distinct societies due two differences in social structures, political structures, and economies.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Child Sexual Abuse Case Study essays
Child Sexual Abuse Case Study essays Sarah has been behaving in a sexually precocious manner with her brother and is constantly talking about genitals. Sarahs teacher has reported that she acts out sexual behaviours with the dolls in class and has on two occasions masturbated during reading times. What issues would I attempt to address first and why? I would want to find out about the masturbation and the sexual acts with the dolls. Formal assessment I would undertake. We must therefore be cautious in using defining terms which a child may carry throughout childhood and beyond (Bannister, 1990: pg.118) In the beginning I would like to just observe Sarah in her play, see what she talks about when she is playing with the dolls and just observe her body language, the way she uses the dolls whether it is very graphic and detailed with what is going on. Sarah uses the dolls to act out these sexual acts, so the dolls would not be too confronting for her and with being able to watch what she is doing would help me to get a better understanding of what may be happening. For endeavouring to discern whether abuse has taken place, one must test in both realms of personal and projected play- that is in physically active drama and in static play with dolls and objects. Results may be different. Only if unguided play in both realms reveals the same evidence can we begin to believe we are on the right track and are reading symbols correctly (Bannister, 1990: pg.40) While Sarah was playing with the dolls I would try and involve myself by asking her who the dolls were and whether they had a name, maybe I could be one of the dolls if she handed it to me. I would also like to know what the dolls were doing but I wouldnt ask these questions right away. You need to develop rapport with the child first. In the same way that in adult therapy the relationship with the counsellor is of major influence, it is generally agreed that in...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Barnes Surname Meaning and Origin
Barnes Surname Meaning and Origin The common Barnes surname is often of topographical origin, deriving from the Middle English barn, for barn or granary, and meaning of the barn (barley house). The use of the name was generally associated with a significant barn in the local region. Barnes may also be an occupational surname for someone who worked in a barn. An alternative origin for the Barnes last name may be suggested by the parish of Barnes in Aberdeenshire, Scotland which derives its name from the Gaelic word bearn, meaning gap. Barnes was the 101st most common last name in the United States at the time of the 2000 U.S. census. Surname Origin: English, Scottish Alternate Surname Spellings:  BARNS, BERNES Famous People with the Surname BARNES: Jim Barnes - English golfer and first winner of the PGA championshipBrenda Barnes - Former president of PepsiCo North America Genealogy Resources for the Surname BARNES: 100 Most Common U.S. Surnames Their MeaningsSmith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the millions of Americans sporting one of these top 100 common last names from the 2000 census? The Barnes Family YearbookAn annual publication issued under the authority of the Barnes Family Association. Several volumes are available for free viewing from Internet Archive. Barnes DNA Surname ProjectLarry Bowling heads up this DNA project through FamilyTreeDNA with a goal of sorting out various lines of Barnes ancestors from around the world. Barnes Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Barnes surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or ask your own question about your Barnes ancestors. FamilySearch - BARNES GenealogyFind records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Barnes surname and its variations. BARNES Surname Family Mailing ListsRootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Barnes surname. DistantCousin.com - BARNES Genealogy Family HistoryFree databases and genealogy links for the last name Barnes. Looking for the meaning of a given name? Check out First Name Meanings Cant find your last name listed? Suggest a surname to be added to the Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins. - References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back to Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Improving Transactional Processing in AIS Research Paper
Improving Transactional Processing in AIS - Research Paper Example Purposes of Compliance Checks/Checking Systems a) Enforcement: to enforce company administrative policies, criminal statutes or both. b) Educational: to warn, educate and identify processes, departments or employees that are not meeting required standards. Implementing Compliance Checks/Checking Systems Employees, departments and various are made aware that compliance checks will be conducted at different times annually. They are also informed about potential penalties for lagging behind in the uplifting and maintenance of accounting regulations, standards and requirements (Williams & Spaul, 2011). If employees and personnel keep flaunting or falling short of accounting standards, the company can issue citations either to departments or specific people. These citations stipulate actions that may be taken to address such matters and how they will be addressed so that normal operations are maintained. Importance of Compliance Checking Systems In many companies, maintaining relevant acc ounting standards is a huge challenge. Employees and company officials may find it easier to come up with compliance checks than to maintain them. Compliance checking systems ensure that all relevant and appropriate standards are maintained as is necessary. Compliance checking systems may be the most effective and efficient method for enforcing rules, regulations and other stipulations concerning or relating to accounting standards. Recent studies have shown that compliance checking systems are effective. Two studies found that following the implementation of compliance checking systems, operations became more efficient and effective and employees found it so much easier to meet set targets without having to struggle (Bagranoff, 2008). In one company, for example, operational efficiency increased from 10% to 28% from 28% to 10% following the introduction and implementation of compliance checking systems. In another company, there was an immediate increase in the levels of compliance (12% to 29%). In addition to this, a national survey revealed that 66% of companies approve of compliance checking systems and policies (Williams & Spaul, 2011). Compliance checking systems provide a way through which employees and companies can "police" themselves. This is in addition to providing a source of motivation, participation and support that can greatly enhance overall accounting operations. Considerations for Implementation If compliance checks are not implemented well, they may be legally challenged by employees, suppliers and vendors who can claim unlawful entrapment. Successful compliance checking systems steer clear of tactics that may be viewed as "entrapment." (Gelinas, 2010). Apart from this, compliance checks and checking systems should be carried out, implemented and reviewed regularly in order to prevent laxity and a drop in standards. Companies that carry out checks at least twice a year report an average efficiency and compliance rate of 60%, which is good f or business and efficiency. b) Cash Disbursements Systems Objectives of Compliance Checking Systems include the following: a) Maintaining security of all cash held and received on a company’s premises. b) Banking all cash that are received intact every day c)
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